Sunday 26 January 2014

Zenit TTL

The Zenit TTL is a solid, all-metal camera. It's a camera with no frills or extras, it's very simple with very limited speeds; because it's so simple, it's fairly reliable.

My Zenit TTL is one of my favourite cameras because it's fairly tough, it's survived several hits against walls and floors. The viewfinder is a slightly dim, and blue tinted. As it takes M42 mount lenses, there's a huge selection of lenses for reasonably cheap prices; even the Soviet lenses are very good quality for the price and are generally built out of metal, therefore are fairly tough compared to modern plastic bodied lenses. The Zenit is not a very ergonomic device, and some say it handles like a brick.

From a recent test, I learnt that it is solid enough to survive a fall from a 4 story building, this is an answer to a question most people wouldn’t ever have to ask.

Sample image.

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