Tuesday 28 January 2014

Nikon F3

The Nikon F3 is not like the previous "Pro" Nikons, as it relies on batteries for use at any speed other than 1/60th, which is the mechanical back-up speed.

Now, aside from the fact it requires batteries, it's fantastic to use, because all the metering circuits are in the body. This means that it allows the prisms to be compact and it can even meter with a waist level finder. The camera also features an "automatic" mode which is aperture priority based.  Personally, I didn't like the more modern styling at first, although I have grown to like it. The Nikon F3 is a very solid, high quality camera. This is due to the fact that the majority of parts are metal and very few parts are plastic. This makes the camera itself more durable, and increases the weight so that it is more sturdy to hold.

I have been using my Nikon F3 with a variety of films, mainly black and white and it is yet to let me down yet. I have been using a non-ai 50mm Nikkor-H which requires you to use stop down metering; this is a slight disadvantage, although I have been using Zenits which work in stop down metering. The Nikon, however is a much more refined camera.

The Nikon F3 is a very effective camera system. It has accessories ranging from interchangeable backs, focusing screens, viewfinders and a motordrive. On the whole, I enjoy using the Nikon F3, despite my initial dislike of the camera.

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