Sunday 26 January 2014

Zenit EM

The Zenit EM is an upgraded version of the Zenit-E, the main improvement is that it has a new focusing screen (with focusing aids) it has the old style of shutter speed dials, another improvement is that it now has an auto-aperture lever, which allows you to use "automatic" lenses. Another minor improvement is the addition of strap lugs, which means you don't have to carry it in it's leather case if you needed a way to carry it around your neck. It also has an updated shutter button and exposure counter similar to the Zenit TTL.

It's still the same as the Zenit-E in many ways such as it still has the basic metal shell underneath the metal plates, so it's still the very heavy steel structure that made the E so popular as a near indestructible camera, it's very simplistic, still using an uncoupled meter. Also the light meter uses ASA/DIN numbers instead of the Soviet GOST which is a very minor advantage.

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