Sunday 26 January 2014

Zenit 3m

The Zenit 3m is one of the first Zenit SLRs, it either came with an Industar-50 or Helios 44. Mine came with Industar-50 which is a tessar based lens, which is quite sharp, I also have the Helios 44 which is a very good lens.

The Zenit 3m is a fairly small camera, made in out of
metal. It's a very basic camera, for example it doesn't have an instant return mirror, instead it is lowered when you find the film on. It has a fairly small viewfinder with a plain matte screen. It has the
same shutter speeds as most Zenit SLRs (B,30,60,125,250,500) with flash sync at 1/30th.

In use it's unusual due to not being able to see through the viewfinder until the shutter is cocked, the shutter speeds should only be set after the shutter is cocked, and the Industar-50 lens is unusual to use.

Here is someone elses page on the Zenit 3m

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